Colleen Hoover’s Verity, a psychological thriller that has you questioning everything until the end! It follows Lowen Ashleigh, a struggling writer who is tasked with completing the remaining books of Verity for publishing. Brought in to finish off the final series of books from now-deceased bestseller Verity Crawford, Lowen walks into a spider web of psychological twists and turns.
Plot Overview
The story starts when Lowen, a once successful yet currently struggling writer is approached for an impossible task. When she signs at a book store, an offer arrives so unanticipated that it would only be the conclusion to end all conclusions: end the untold series written by famous but now-bedridden Verity Crawford. Verity has been in a car accident and can neither write anything properly nor communicate effectively.
Verity invites Lowen to her home in order to go through the notes and outlines she used. When she arrives, however Verity has anything but an ordinary life. Her husband, Jeremy, is both helpful and wary as bonds between the characters grow increasingly strained. Digging through Verity’s manuscripts, Lowen learns the terrifying story she is struggling to write about herself and her family.
I will give you a quick update on the rape accusations surrounding Verity (or Lowen), and then I am going to summarize, in full-skim format because those who go back and forth tend not care much about spoilers) all of her WTF revelations said that it paints how everyone ya digs…behind close doors. The more Lowen uncovers, the darker things spiral and she truly wonders if Verity is really as helpless as her health claims. The boundaries between the reality of Verity’s life and that fantasy world become blurred, causing Lowen to ever doubt everything she knew before.
The relationship between Jeremy and Lowen grows more complex as she gets to know him, deepening the tension. The chemistry is undeniable, but discoveries of what lies beneath Verity’s family drive a wedge. The story is brought to a climatic height where friendships are on the brink of being broken and secrets that have been kept buried rise to surface causing an unexpected ending which will make you question everything you thought was real.

Benefits of Reading “Verity”
I saved the second half of Verity for late at night so I’d have to turn all my lights on even though it’s summer and still light out, because mannnn did this creepy book get me hooked. The fast story line will hold all the interest of fans who appreciate a taut, intense thriller.
Well-Developed Characters:Every character is only human, beautifully flawed and driven by their reasons. This combination, plus Lowen’s arduous journey through her pain; Verity depriving past life and Jeremy being ardently protective of his wife, make the script come to live.
Moral Polemics:The book provides a critical examination of morals in human society, and deals with the profound issues regarding honesty and dishonesty. The book dares readers to question the integrity and what limits one would take to defend themselves or their families.
Obsession Themes / INSIDE THE BOOK:As a book, this is obsessed with completely addicted bottom line… Both writing and relationships (yes 4-letter-obsessions…) Lowen is obsessed with Verity’s life and the consequences of her revelations on such fixation are deep, prompting intriguing musings about what happens when you become too focused on a certain thing.

The Dark and Deeper: Colleen Hoover pulls it off well with the psychological tension that flows throughout. Filled with a combination of terror, lust and moral vagueness it paints an emotional scene all readers will feel.
Writing:Hoover has a really pretty writing style which isn’t to erudite, most of her books are very easy and quick read (Slammed took me like 50 minutes) here’s how she got the best from this narrative without crying too hard. It gives off a fear that keeps us attached to the narrative.
The Gilded King tackled a lot of issues about trauma and its effect on people, particularly in relationships. They will ground your characters and you might look at past trauma in a new light, too.
Verity is a mystery, but it also incorporates romantic elements to beef up the emotional stakes. The growing intimate connection between Lowen and Jeremy complicates the story even further.
Process reflection: The book offers an intriguing look at the process and responsibilities of a writer, if nothing else valuable for aspiring authors. This video today pretty much just exemplifies what words mean to a writer; its affects on their life, and the people around them.
While the ending of a novel should surprise readers in some sense… there is, i believe, good surprising and bad surprising. This author then executes a hit on an ending, which is why this story will linger with the reader long after they finish the book because of that strong conclusion.
Verity is the ultimate Psychological Thriller-Twin Peaks level of suspense meets true deep character/ emotional complexity and plenty of good honest Moral ambiguity. With Verity, Colleen Hoover serves a real page turner at metabook24 filled with surprising curves and angles that will appeal to most fans of the genre. There seems to be a rich tapestry woven with the exploration of obsession, of truth — as we know it and how other perceive or believe in reality, narrative story telling that even makes me question if I am real.
Whether you want a suspenseful getaway, or something to make your wheels spin about the borders between fact and fiction — well: “Verity” rocks up with both. This is a nuanced and beautifully written work that is certain to end up as one of your better appreciations, if you make space for it in the bookshelf.